
How to Install Transmission on Your Synology NAS

2023年1月8日 — Go to File Station and open the docker folder. Inside the docker folder, create one new folder and name it transmission. Follow the instructions ...


2019年4月25日 — 大爷叫我来巡山: 玩客云开启SMB,并设置密码(群晖那边必须输入密码),群晖上使用Active Backup for Business套件,在文件服务器中添加服务器,选择SMB,输入 ...

Transmission v4.0.5

Community Packages for Synology NAS. ... Transmission v4.0.5-26. Transmission is an easy and fast BitTorrent client. You can control it remotely with its web ...


A Fast, Easy and Free Bittorrent Client For Mac, Windows and Linux.


Transmission is designed for easy, powerful use. Transmission has the features you want from a BitTorrent client: encryption, a web interface, peer exchange ...

在Synology Docker 設定Transmission 相關討論

2018年2月26日 — 為了用NAS當PT下載,也加買了原廠4G的RAM,DOCKER或VMM爬了不少文, 弄的昏頭昏腦亂七八糟,NAS買了近一個月,卻還是用PC下載,想說試試很難用的DS,

Transmission on Docker or App?

2022年3月21日 — Hi, everyone. I am planning to use my 920+ for tracker seeding. Potentially there will be more than 1000+ seeds idling at the same time.


2023年1月8日—GotoFileStationandopenthedockerfolder.Insidethedockerfolder,createonenewfolderandnameittransmission.Followtheinstructions ...,2019年4月25日—大爷叫我来巡山:玩客云开启SMB,并设置密码(群晖那边必须输入密码),群晖上使用ActiveBackupforBusiness套件,在文件服务器中添加服务器,选择SMB,输入 ...,CommunityPackagesforSynologyNAS....Transmissionv4.0.5-26.TransmissionisaneasyandfastBitTorrentclient...